Homeless City

The chapbook Homeless City launched at Toronto’s Art Bar Poetry Series on January 8th 2024. The launch was a successful fundraiser for The Daily Bread Food Bank: it raised $760!
Homeless City is available for $10 plus postage from Aeolus House, or Kate Rogers. Please contact Kate via her website to order any of her books.
Homeless City
By Donna Langevin & Kate Rogers
published by Aeolus House, Toronto, 2024.
The poems in this book are two women’s personal testimony of their frequent encounters with people experiencing homelessness, poverty, mental illness and addiction. They bear witness to what many of us have unwillingly observed, in Toronto and other communities across Canada. The poems challenge and surprise with their honest sharing of the complex feelings many of us experience when facing the unhoused. They move from initial revulsion and fear towards compassion: encouraging us all not to look away from the human suffering on our literal doorsteps.
“Homelessness, unhoused, cast away – these are us, just without a home. I could hardly get through these poems for my tears. Donna Langevin and Kate Rogers show us how poetry can care, and can make you care! The beauty of these poems reaches deep into our cluttered and clustered humanity with sage tenderness that calls us to be with and to be appalled at the inhumanity of so many left adrift among us.”
—Lillian Allen, Poet Laureate of Toronto